You are currently viewing FULFILL Side Event at UNFCCC SB60

On June 8 2024 in Bonn, Germany – Decarbonisation through sufficiency lifestyle: How much? How to support? 100% renewables

The FULFILL Consortium presented at a UNFCCC Side Event on sufficiency lifestyle policies to decarbonise and to include them in NDCs snd GSTs. Speakers included Dr. Elisabeth Dütschke, Fraunhofer ISI, Germany; Yves Marignac, Association négaWatt, France; Wolfram Sparber, Eurac Research, Italy; Gunnar B. Olesen, SE Denmark; Judit Szoleczky, INFORSE. They discussed results of new project research, including:

  • 20 000 surveys, 50 citizen initiatives, 16 national policies and 3 citizens’ workshops
  • Modeling and quantitative effects in an input-output model
  • A focus on different sectors: housing, food, transport, and consumption
  • Differences in research from 6 EU countries and India

Takeaways from the event

Download the  PROGRAM – 8 June 2024 (pdf)

Download Presentations:

  • What is sufficiency? Beter with Less ! IPCCC’s SER model: Sufficiency, Efficiency, Renewables. Yves Marignac, NégaWatt, France (pdf, 1.9 MB)
  • Sufficiency in our society. Research results, EU+ India. gender aspects within the project FULFILL(*). Dr. Elisabeth Dütschke, Fraunhofer ISI, Germany  (pdf 2.7 MB)
  • Input-output model, quantifying CO2 reductions of policy changes. Wolfram SparberEurac Research, Italy  (pdf 1.8 MB)
  • Sufficiency policies in NDCs and the EU countries national climate and energy plans (NECPs). Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE-Europe/ SustainableEnergy, Denmark (pdf 1.3 MB)

If you are interested in the recording please let us know by an email to ove@inforse.org.