In FULFILL, we are working with citizens who get together to foster sufficiency in their communities. For our research, we spoke to cargo-bike initiatives, tiny house communities, repair café members and many more. To find out more about the initiatives we worked with, check out the list below!
- Cohaus Kloster Schlehdorf : Former monastery that is now used for a residential project with a coworking
- Ökodorf Sieben Linden : Social-ecological model settlement and community with about 145 residents, it sees itself as a model for a future-oriented way of life
- Heinerbike : Free and volunteer-run cargo bike rental system with about 20 bikes available at various
- GoFLUX : Ridesharing app that aims in particular at commuting to work together.
- Altmarktgarten : Rooftop greenhouse for fresh and sustainable food on a public building of the city of Oberhausen
- SIRPLUS : Online supermarket where food can be ordered that can no longer be sold by producers and wholesalers to regular retail shops (e.g. exceeded or soon expiring best-before date, overproduction or outdated packaging design)
- Foodsharing : Within the German Foodsharing network food is passed on from private to private by 402.000 individuals using the platform
- Haus der Eigenarbeit : Offers numerous workshop facilities, a social meeting place, school projects, art and cultural events, rental of tools or rooms and offer of services like counselling
- iDoc : Offers mobile phone repair service but also DIY workshops and mobile phone spare parts accompanied by freely accessible precise repair instructions with video specifically for individual mobile phone models
- Düsseldorf im Wandel : Transition Town Movement from Düsseldorf, which organises events, films, creative actions in order to promote the awareness of change, win fellow campaigners and launch projects
- Degrowth Graz : Association that advocates for a living post-growth society
- Solawi Hevener Feld : Community supported agriculture Project with organic farming, weekly seasonal vegetables
- Solawi Stadt, Land, Beides : Commuinity supported agriculture project with organic farming
- Trudering im Wandel : Transition Town initiative that aims to find local solutions for ecologocal problems with implementing local sustainablitly projects
- Transition Saarbrücken : Transition Town Saarbrücken manages a garden bed in the park “Staden”, organizes a gift exchange several times a year, which is used by private individuals to pass on commodities they no longer need, which is a contribution to resource conservation as well as climate protection
- Station Natur und Umwelt : The Nature and Environment Station has existed since 1984 and is the largest municipal institution for environmental education and environmental education in North Rhine-Westphalia
- Freie Lastenradl München : Platform for renting cargo bikes for free, adapting the Commoning principles
- Transition Town Essen : Transition Town Project from Essen with a broad portfolio, like repaircafé, urban gardening, cargo bikes utc
- Transition Town Frankfurt : Transition Town initiative different project groups in community supported gardening, energy & mobility, education
- Soned e.V. : The aim of the association is to promote tolerance between members of different cultures, countries and social classes in the spirit of international understanding
- Frieda & Friedrich Lastenrad Dresden : Platform for renting cargo bikes for free
- Lastenrad Lüneburg : Platform for renting cargo bikes for free
- Bonn im Wandel : Transition Town initiative that sees themselves as an ideas and project laboratory for a sustainable, fair and post-fossil city
- Freie Lastenräder – BUND Biberach : Platform for renting cargo bikes for free
- Grobund : Ecovillage community of about 160 people with a vision to be sustainable, waste- and debt free, started in 2017. A former steel factory building functions as community center, and there are plans to build tiny-houses
- Cooperative Society in Hjortshøj (AiH) : Ecovillage community of 350 pepole in 126 low-energy houses and sharing community buildings, cultural events, renewable-energy heating system, organic farming with vegetables, chickens, goats, and orchard, bakery, food shop, workshops for reparations, sewing, and art, car and e-bike sharing club, etc., started in 1992 with an aim creating a community to live in an environmentally- and socially-friendly way
- The Community Wardrobe (Det kollektive klædeskab) : Clothes-sharing for women of all styles, shapes and sizes, started in 2015. Members exchange their used clothes to points, which can be used to purchase other clothes in the 6 stores
- Green Transition in Stjær, by Citizens Association of Stjær (Grøn omstilling I Stjær, Borgerforening) : Green transition initiative of a citizens’ association in a village with about 1000 residents started in 2020 with an aims to help sustainable development, focusing on energy efficient housing, transport, waste reduction and more biodiversity
- Repair Cafe Denmark : National network of 67 local repairing workshops run by volunteers started in 2013 with a goal to reduce waste and overconsumption
- Karise Permatopia : Ecovillage community of 220 people, 90 houses and community buildings, organic and self-sufficient food system, sustainable heating system, windmill and waste water treatment, started in 2017 with a shared vision of a meaningful everyday life, where the residents co-create a sustainable life
- Foodbank (Fødevarebanken) : Initiative collecting excess food from supermarkets, food producers and distributing it among organisations, working with people in need e.g homeless people, started in 2009 with aim to rescue food of overproduction, damaged packaging or decrease in demand (note: the food is not expired)
- The Havbakke Bus Mobility Association, “Carpooling and Togetherness” (Havbakkebussen Mobilitet Forening) : A car- and minibus-sharing club with 350 registered drivers in a rural area of five small villages, where the public transport sytem is decreasing and unflexible, started in 2019 with the aim of offering an alternative to buying a car
- Køge Car Sharing Club (Køge Delebil) : Car-sharing club in a city of 38.000 people offering several different cars and offers membership to both private members, companies and organisations
- Slow food market in Straupe : Slow food farmers market supporting local, traditional, organic food production
- Tiešā pirkšana (Direct purchase) : Direct purchase clubs are a possibility created and organized jointly by buyers-enthusiasts to regularly get fresh organically grown local food every week, buying it directly from organic farmers
- Urban gardening : Project organized by the citizens of Riga with an aim to open the former Sporta Pils complex territory that is currently inactive and put it to public use
- Samārieši (palīdzības vitrtuve) / Samaritans (help pantry) : Voluntary, independent, competent, innovative, dynamic and practical action-oriented public benefit organization whose motto is “Help to live”
- Kopienas ledusskapis / Community fridge : A community fridge is a public refrigerator located in a public space where people can leave food products for other to pick up
- Atvērtā saimniecība Zadiņi (Open farm Zadiņi) : Learning from the ethics and principles of permaculture and traditional practices they support healthy human relationships, shared work, regenerative agriculture and alternatives to economic business-as-usual that is socially and environmentally destructive
- Baltās Pērle komūna (White Pearl commune) : Voluntary work-based initiative that operates in the building of the former dairy of Druvienas Parish – the White House of Pearls, where we want to create a Center for Human Creativity and Health
- Dabas dziednīca Čiekuri (Natural healing center Čiekuri) : The operation of the natural healing center Čiekuri is based on the free will of a person to live according to his heart
- Dzimtas mājvietu apvienība Varavīksnes (Family housing association Varavīksnes) : Permaculture garden, and a fully self-contained home with its own solar power generation
- Omraču ekociemats Sēlijā (Omrači ecovillage in Selia) : Has been creating environmental and cultural education events for more than 20 year
- Secondhand clothing, Andele mandele : Give opportunity to sell clothes, children’s things and furniture
- “Energounite” initiative : Offer municipalities one energy crisis pilot project for a small settlement where fossil fuel is used for heating and there is a large proportion of energy-poor households
- RepairCafe : Repair cafes are events where you can learn to repair your broken belongings yourself, accompanied by masters
- Community sharing – Brīvbode : A non-commercial, non-profit initiative and have been operating on the principle of goodwill where everyone is invited to leave good, high-quality things, as well as to choose something they like and useful for free
- FreeRiga : Public benefit organization, which in its early days, in 2013, several enthusiasts from the culture and urban studies sectors started organizing activities to open unused buildings to residents of Riga and provide premises for those who implement social activities – work in the field of culture, help socially less for protected groups of society and the poor, looking for new solutions or starting innovative project
- Pamēģini sabiedrisko (Try public transport!) : In the campaign “Try public transport!” drivers will be invited to transfer to public transport
- Dispositivo Aiuto Alimentare : Ensuring access to healthy food for vulnerable segments of the population (resident and domiciled)
- Switch on lab : A European circuit in which locals, companies and people share a choice: to use reusable containers for take away, reducing disposable ones to a minimum
- Cittadini per l’aria : Ensuring everyone can breathe good quality air – creating the conditions for reducing people’s climate impact and making cities truly livable
- Rete Semi Rurali : Promoting collective management of agrobiodiversity, strategic for achieving the ecological transition of our economic and production model
- Terra! : Relocating food production and consumption in a perspective of ecological and economic sustainability
- Anonima Riforestazioni : Reforesting as much surface area as possible with native species and local genomes. opening forest nurseries, supplying plants, or planting and maintaining with our volunteers
- Rete Italiana Villaggi Ecologici – RIVE : Supporting those who have chosen to undertake community life by creating all-round sustainable life laboratories, create a network for them to encourage exchanges, and increase their visibility towards those interested in experimenting in this direction
- S.T.A.G.E.S. Sunstainable Theatre Alliance for a Green Environmental Shift : Raising awareness and establish working methods/practices in line with the European green deal on sustainability in the field of live entertainment
- Associazione per la Decrescita : Degrowth is a radical alternative to the current global capitalist system which, by pursuing growth at all costs, causes human exploitation and environmental destruction
- Conversations Carbone : Addresses the practicalities of domestic carbon footprint reduction while taking account of the complex emotions and social pressures that make this difficult
- Low Tech Lab : Proposes participatory workshops on energy and housing with low-tech solutions. The purpose is to share affordable and DIY solutions widely, so that the most people desires and gets empowered to live better with less
- Ecov : A startup that develops regular carsharing lines, making it possible to be transported by car as simply as it would be by using regular Bus lines
- Prout : Project working to establish an alternative model of collectivity, mixing agroecological, energetic, social and political concerns
- Le Grand Defi : Supports citizens actively engaging in the process of ecological transition on 7 topics (water and energy savings, waste reduction, sustainable consumption…) with more than 830 participants in the villages of Le Mené
- Tinyland : A non-profit association that helps people build their own tiny house in a cooperation mode and advocates to normalize the opportunity to live in tinyhouses
- Ma bouteille s’appelle reviens : Triggers reduction of -75% energy consumption, -79% GreenHouse Gaz emissions, -33% water
Initiative Webinars
Check out the recordings from our initiative webinars that took place in each country!
- Germany
- Denmark
- Italy
- France : The webinar focused on sharing the findings of Work Package 4 (WP4) from the Fulfill project, which examines the role of local communities in promoting sufficiency (sobriety). It highlighted the challenges and opportunities for implementing sufficiency initiatives, emphasizing the need for financial support, infrastructure adaptation, and policy backing.
- Latvia
FULFILL Partner Initiative Countries
Add your initiative !
If you work towards sufficiency in your community, or know of fellow citizens who do, please share your sufficiency initiatives with us here to showcase their work
Initiative highlight! These "Tiny houses" in France allow people to live with less and improve their quality of life

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EU funding acknowledgment This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101003656.
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