Memories from our Final Event

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Our final event has come to an end! Thank you to all who participated both in person in Brussels and online!

After an introduction to sufficiency and the project by Fiona Breucker from the Jacques Delors Institute, we heard from project coordinator Elisabeth Dütschke from Fraunhofer ISI on citizens’ views of sufficiency, followed by a look into sufficiency at the local level by Mélanie Bourgeois from Energy Cities, a deep dive into sufficiency policies by Yves Marignac from the négaWatt Association, an analysis of quantification of sufficiency measures and contribution to European Climate targets by Wolfram Sparber from EURAC Research, a look into social Impacts of sufficiency by Manuel Bickel from Wuppertal Institute, and an update on sufficiency in the NECPs by Gunnar Boye Olesen from INFORSE-Europe. Finally, the event finished with a Q&A for those online and in-person, as well as closing words from Fiona Breucker. We celebrated with a networking apéro just after the event, where we were happy to discuss further with people interested in the potential of sufficiency in the EU and beyond. 

Couldn't make it? Check out our presentation slides by clicking below!