Our Research

The FULFILL team is always hard at work spreading the word about sufficiency!

Below, you will find all of our current published research findings for the project. You will also find a variety of resources on the FULFILL project, including an introductory leaflet in English, German, French, Danish, and Latvian. Lastly, our team has also published a variety of academic articles and has appeared in media around Europe as well as given presentations on what it means to be #sufficient!




Literature Review (D2.1)

Operative Definition and Indicators for Energy Sufficiency (D2.2)

Refinement of Research Design (D2.3)

Synthesis report and input (D3.4)

Mapping of local Sufficiency Initiatives (D4.1)

Report on municipal sufficiency strategies and policies (D4.2)

Report on multiple effects of sufficiency lifestyles (D4.3)

Report on vertical and horizontal multilevel-governance: 5 case studies (D4.4)

From pioneering sufficiency lifestyles to a sufficiency society (D5.1)

Report on the comparative analysis of sufficiency policies (D5.2)

Integration of findings from Social Sciences and Humanities in quantified sufficiency assumptions for decarbonisation pathways (D5.3)

Working Paper with Recommendations (D5.4)

Integration of energy sufficiency assumptions in bottom-up models and overall impact of sufficiency (D6.1)

Quantitative evaluation of the macroeco-nomic impacts of up-scaled sufficiency action at the European level (D6.2)

FULFILL: Assessment of Social Impacts (D6.3)

Reports on beyond GDP analysis (D6.4)

Preparing Contributions to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC and NECPs) (D6.5)

Working Paper with Recommendations (D7.2)

Visual Identity (D8.2)

Evaluation of the Communication Strategy (D8.4)

Final Policy Brief: Unlocking Sufficiency at the EU, National and Local Level

SUMMARY : Policy Brief on Initiatives




For any additional information about this research or the project or if
you simply wish to get in touch with the researchers and the team, you can
directly contact us by email

Dr. Elisabeth Dütschke

Project coordinator, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research

Your message will be forwarded to other consortium partners, if your request concerns their project tasks


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EU funding acknowledgment This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101003656.

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