FULFILL and sufficiency in the press

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Since last autumn energy prices are increasing. With Russia’s war on Ukraine since 24th February 2022 previously unattained heights were reached. Energy supply and security were among the most debated issues since the war started. With Europe aiming for decreasing its dependence on Russian energy supplies, currently the continent is facing a looming scarcity. 

In this context sufficiency was proposed as a potential strategy to confront this energy crisis. Also project team members were covered in press and media.

In October 2021, Thomas Pellerin-Carlin (JDI) called together with 9 other leading French energy experts for a national debate on the energy transition after the elections, including a discussion on sufficiency. After the start of the war, Thomas demanded a stronger consideration of sufficiency as a tool to confront the crisis in various article (e.g. 20 minutes, la tribune et capital) and radio interviews, such as France Info.

Lorenzo Pagliano (POLIMI) published an article on the benefits of sufficiency in the context of the energy crisis in the Italian newspaper Avvenire. Furthermore he signed an open letter with the International Society of Doctors for Environment (ISDE) calling for energy sufficiency, renewable energies and sustainable mobility as answers to the energy crisis.