
Sufficiency Walk in Paris

In November 2022, our FULFILL team did a Sufficiency Walk in the beautiful city of...

What truly is Sufficiency?

FULFILL First Project Results “Language is a model, a picture of reality” Ludwig WittgensteinTractatus Logico-Philosophicus...

First project results published

Aiming to better understand sufficiency as a comprehensive principle for transformation towards a sustainable society, partners...
Sabine Preuß (Fraunhofer ISI) presenting FULFILL @ eceee2022

FULFILL @ eceee summer study 2022

The european council for an energy efficient economy (eceee) organises every year a conference in...

FULFILL and sufficiency in the press

Since last autumn energy prices are increasing. With Russia’s war on Ukraine since 24th February...
Foto old man showing gardening to child

Website launch!

The website has just launched. We have the pleasure to welcome you on it :D...
Foto of project team at first GAPM

First Project Meeting

This week we completed our first entirely digital project meeting. The meeting was split into...
Foto of project team at kick-off meeting

Kick-Off Meeting in Karlsruhe

On October 11th-14th we met in Karlsruhe with project partners coming from Denmark, France, Italy...

European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW)

During EUSEW the EU-funded Horizon2020 project FULFILL will present results on energy sufficiency in the session titled “Less is more? An overview of sufficiency policies to reduce emissions and increase quality of life.” Join the FULLFILL consortium on June 12, 2024, from 09:30 to 11:00, to explore new research that analyzes 9,500 surveys, 50 citizen initiatives, 16 policies, and 3 workshops.

This session will highlight how sufficiency policies can reduce emissions and enhance well-being, featuring detailed results, impact quantification, recommendations for National Energy and Climate Plans, and expert political commentary.

Attend in person in Brussels or online to be part of this crucial discussion on energy sufficiency!

For more information and to register here or contact the consortium directly: 

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EU funding acknowledgment This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101003656.




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